Innovation & Sustainability in Buildings

The worldwide context is driving a paradigm shift in the buildings industry

Our vision

A better world made by better buildings


Many industries have been already disrupted by innovative companies, but who and how will do the same with the construction industry?


Our needs and expectations are changing drastically, but how will our buildings satisfy the new demands we will have from them?

Our aim and objectives

To develop, promote and protect the best and the highest standards regarding innovation and sustainability in buildings and regarding the way they are integrated in the urban space by developing a strong community of professionals and a social movement


We are developing and supporting the development of innovative value propositions of concepts, designs and projects for building, administrating, selling and operating sustainable buildings and integrating them in the urban space


We are promoting the concepts of sustainable buildings by developing educational programs, formal and informal, exchanges, conferences, fairs, exhibitions and other events and flagship projects, targeting both the professionals and the general public.


We are representing the organization’s members in professional communities and we are maintaining their high level of professionalism by ensuring their professional development and continuous learning.

We are supporting and promoting initiatives on sustainable buildings, energy efficiency and a structured urban environment around these buildings and we get involved in public debate and public projects on these topics.

Professional & Educational

Shaping the innovation & sustainability by education

We are developing a series of educational programs that are specially designed for students and experts from a multitude of specialties who are or will eventually be the stakeholders of the construction industry

Conferences & Networking

Pushing  the innovation & sustainability by connecting stakeholders

Our events are special opportunities to address new challenges, share solutions and discuss future research and development directions.




Public Institutions

Professional Organizations



Policy makers



Sustainable Projects

Triggering the innovation & sustainability by demonstration

We are a not-for-profit organisation aiming to become a social movement

We want to form a community around a common  vision of creating a better world by having better buildings 

We want our community to mobilize resources for driving innovation & sustainability in buildings and disrupt the status quo

Support us and become a part of a worldwide social movement aiming to change forever and innovate the constructions industry 

Get to know us

We are a group of professionals passionate about sustainable buildings

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