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Latest updates regarding our activities and articles about sustainability in buildings

What does my future city look like?

The City of Green Buildings recommends "What does my future city look like?" Conference which will take place on the 22nd of November at Deutsche Bank Hub in Bucharest   Inovaţia, tehnologia şi arhitectura îşi dau întâlnire la conferinţa”What does my...

LIVE – The City of Green Buildings Conference 2017

This year's conference theme is about "How to turn a building into a brand". We'll keep you posted with every important detail about our speakers' presentations so you won't miss a thing. START: 09:13 We are about to start! UPDATE: 09:44 Our president Adrian Frătean...

We lighted up Cluj!

This Saturday, on the 22nd of August, The City of Green Buildings Association, in partnership with the Romanian Association for Lighting, gave life to the first Guerilla Lighting event ever organized in Cluj-Napoca, therefore, it became the third city in Romania...

Tales from experience: why try informal

The tale of more We, as a team, believe that being a student means more than just attending the classes you are supposed to attend and being a professional means more than participating at the conferences and workshops your school or industry pressures you to be part...

Registrations for Academy 2017 are officially open

Especially designed for students and young professionals who are or will be the stakeholders of the construction industry, The City of Green Buildings Academy 2017, reached its third edition and will take place between July 17th and August 2nd in Cluj-Napoca, Romania....

We’ve got some shoes to fill – Volunteer today!

Make the most out of your studentship! A new university year has started and you definitely want to make the most out of it. There are plenty of opportunities out there for you, but we have a better one. Become a volunteer for The City of Green Buildings and you will...

The programs and events scheduled for the autumn of 2016

Due to unexpected and unfortunate events we will not organize the programs and events which were planned for the autumn of 2016. But we will now work harder to make them better and more innovative for 2017 and the years to come.

A successful event – INSIDE The City of Green Buildings

INSIDE The City of Green Buildings took place at Casino – Center of Urban Culture on February 25th and it represented a great opportunity to present The City of Green Buildings’ story, both the projects developed in the past and the ones...

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