Sustainable projects

Which are our plans?


Focusing on the third direction of The City of Green Buildings, Sustainable Projects, we will develop new projects, which will involve cost-benefit analysis and demonstrate that sustainability is related to the quality of life in a community. We believe that in order to make an impact and prove our ideas we have to demonstrate how new technology, new concepts and approaches can bring to life innovative and sustainable buildings

How we will do all of these?

Here are some hints:

as a starting point the projects that the participants developed last edition and this edition;


projects that are committed to facilitate and contribute at the roll out of small to large scale constructions projects which are consistent with the values we are promoting;


find partners that share the same ideas and values


collaborate with companies and organizations to supply needed expertise;


develop clear and measurable project objectives, and identify methods for collecting project data;


mobilize resources for driving innovation and sustainability in buildings and disrupt the status quo;

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